[STLHE-L:] The publication of Volume 8 Issue 1 of The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Note the latest issue of Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, which may have some articles on different pedagogies that are of interest to you.


Dear Colleagues:

We are delighted to announce the publication of Volume 8 Issue 1 of The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CJSoTL)/La revue canadienne sur l’avancement des connaissances en enseignement et en apprentissage (RCACEA), an official, trans-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, electronic publication of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

CJSoTL/RCACEA seeks to advance the scholarship of teaching and learning in Canadian post-secondary institutions. It therefore provides an avenue for a wide range of educators, including faculty members, administrators, academic librarians, educational developers, learning resource specialists, and graduate students, to discuss ways of enhancing student learning experiences through systematic inquiry into teaching and learning in all disciplines.

We invite submissions, in either English or French, from anyone, including international colleagues, interested in discussing teaching and learning issues that are relevant to different types of institutions in the Canadian context.

Volume 8 Issue 1 continues to exemplify this significant contribution to the SoTL literature with the following articles.

“Finding Place in Higher Education: An Epistemological Analysis”
Shelagh M. Crooks

“Perceived Benefits of an Undergraduate Degree”
Cole Norton and Tanya Martini

“Words Matter: The Impact of “Catchy” vs Conventional Course Titles on Student Interest”
Joan Flaherty, Bruce G. McAdams, and Joshua E. LeBlanc

“An Analytical Autoethnographical Account of using Inquiry-Based Learning in a Graduate Research Methods Course”
Jules Woolf

“Student Perceptions of Staged Transfer to Independent Research Skills During a Four-year Honours Science Undergraduate Program”
Sarah L. Symons, Andrew Colgoni, and Chad T. Harvey

“Implementation and Evaluation of the Course Dossier Methodology”
Wahidun N. Khanam and Calvin S. Kalman

“Evaluating the Implementation and Effectiveness of Reflection Writing”
Isabelle Boutet, Marie-Pier Vandette, and Sophie-Claire Valiquette-Tessier

“The Presence of Gender Disparity on the Force Concept Inventory in a Sample of Canadian Undergraduate Students”
Magdalen Normandeau, Seshu Iyengar, and Benedict Newling

“L’effet de la personnalité sur la performance des étudiants universitaires en sciences de l’administration à l’examen écrit, au test à choix multiple et aux travaux pratiques”
Sawsen Lakhal, Éric Frenette, et Serge Sevigny

“Does Correct Answer Distribution Influence Student Choices When Writing Multiple Choice Examinations?”
Jacqueline A. Carnegie

We invite you to read these exceptional articles and learn more about the journal by visiting http://www.cjsotl-rcacea.ca/ .


Elizabeth Marquis, Senior Editor
Ken N. Meadows, Managing Editor
The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

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